Convert Days to Seconds in JavaScript

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In this tutorial, we will see how to convert days to seconds using JavaScript.

Before writing the program we should know that:

  1. There are 24 hours in one day
  2. 60 minutes in an hour, and
  3. 60 seconds in a minute

So, to convert days into seconds we have to multiply the days by 24 to get hours, 60 for the minutes and 60 for the seconds.

seconds = days * 24 * 60 * 60

Let’s see it in code

const daysToSec = (days) => {
    return days * 24 * 60 * 60;

console.log(daysToSec(1)) //86400
console.log(daysToSec(20)) //1728000

Here, we have created a function daysToSec() , which take days as an argument and converts the days into seconds.

If you input your days in decimal form, it will return the seconds in decimal.

const daysToSec = (days) => {
    return days * 24 * 60 * 60;

console.log(daysToSec(1.534) + ' sec') //132537.6 sec

To solve this issue we have to use the Math.round() function of JavaScript.

The Math.round() function round a number to the nearest integer in JavaScript. For example,

Math.round(2.60); // 3
Math.round(4.50); // 5
Math.round(5.49); // 5

So we can modify the above daysToSec() function to round up the value.

const daysToSec = (days) => {
    return Math.round(days * 24 * 60 * 60);

console.log(daysToSec(1.534) + ' sec') //132538 sec

Conclusion: To convert days to seconds uisng JavaScript, we have to multiply the days by 24 hours, 60 minutes and 60 seconds i.e days*24*60*60.

Related Articles:

Convert seconds to minutes and seconds (mm:ss) using JavaScript

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