Your Git Gateway backend is not returning valid settings – Fix

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In this article, we learn about the quick fix about an error “Your Git Gateway backend is not returning valid settings. Please make sure it is enabled” in NetlifyCMS.

What is Git Gateway?

Netlify Git Gateway helps to connect the site with Github API, which helps Netlify CMS to work with your branches and content and do pull requests automatically.

Using Git Gateway, Netlify Identity, and the Netlify CMS a user can edit the content of the site without having GitHub or GitLab write privileges.

How to Fix the Error: Your Git Gateway backend is not returning valid settings.

If you have deployed the site using NetlifyCMS and when you try to log in and see the error “Your Git Gateway backend is not returning valid settings. Please make sure it is enabled‘.

The error can be easily fixed just by following these simple steps.

First, make sure to Enable Identity Service in your setting and then go to Site settings > Identity > Services > Git Gateway, and select Enable Git Gateway.

Enabling it will automatically provision your site to have access to Git Gateway’s endpoints on your site to connect with your hosted Github repository.

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