How to get data from the child component in Vue
In this short post, we will see how we can access data from the child component in Vue JS. To get access to data from the child component, we can…
Read moreGet value from input using on change in Vue
In this post, we will see how we can get the value from an input field on change using @input in Vue. In Vue, we can use the two-way binding…
Read moreHow to display JavaScript variable value in HTML
In this post, we will see how we can display variables from JavaScript in our Html document. In JavaScript we can display text or any variable of Javascript in our…
Read moreHow to change the color of hr tag using CSS
Here, we will learn how to change the color of HR element in our HTML using CSS style. To change the color of the HR tag in our HTML using…
Read moreHow to remove node_modules from github or bitbucket
In this post, we will see how to remove node_modules folder from our repo in Github and bitbucket. If you have accidentally pushed your node_modules folder to a remote repository…
Read moreCall a Vue Method on page load in Vue JS
In this post, we will see how we can run a function/method on page load in Vue JS. Sometimes we need to call a method as soon as the page…
Read moreHow to make horizontal line in markdown
In this post, we will learn how to make a horizontal line in markdown. In HTML, we can create a horizontal rule by using the <hr/> tag. However, in markdown,…
Read moreConvert Markdown to PDF in VSCode
Markdown is a very simple and easy-to-use markup language for creating formatted text using any text editor. In this post, we will see how to convert a markdown to pdf…
Read moreHow to center align an image in markdown
In this post, we will see how to center align an image in markdown. Markdown is an awesome markup language to write content to take notes or for a blog…
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