About Us
HI, This is Izzaz 💻
I started this site/blog (programmingbasic.com) by getting inspired from a lot of programmers who writes and share their journey and knowledge about programming and related stuff.
On this website, I typically write about JavaScript, Python, and JavaScript frameworks such as Vue JS, React, and Svelte. I also share common solutions for errors encountered during programming. Additionally, I write about QBASIC too, which was my first programming language.
About me - I have a Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering. Although I am a self-taught front-end developer, I am constantly learning about back-end development to become a full-stack developer.
I hope you find my blog informative and enjoyable. If you have any queries or questions, contact me at programinbasic@gmail.com. (NOT programmingbasic@gmail.com 🙃)
Thank You.